Friday, 7 February 2014


22. Siobhan, Vanessa, Rebecca, Can from 283goswell on Vimeo.

Evaluation Of Finished Production Work: Final Blogging Task

*Vanessa walks to the stage and takes up the microphone to formally close off her blog*

"Ladies, Gentlemen, this is it, we have accomplished what we set out to do. There have been tears, and failed footage and terrible lip-syncing, but I tell you now, Group 22 pulled through these hard times by sharing in laughter, growing media skills and midday McDonald after filming.
*tears stream down her cheeks*
I'd just like to thank my amazing colleagues, the media teachers, the technicians, the third floor, and many others, for making this all possible!

Good night and good luck!

 I'm going to leave you with one last video:
Group 22's...Our Journey

Formally Closed.

Evaluation of finished production work: Final Progress Review Blog

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Evaluation Question 4

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

As I said at the end of the video, I also posted my video to my personal blog on Tumblr, and asked my followers as well as people searching "Dubstep, Music Video and Media" news feeds to message me for the password in order to watch the video and give me feedback. Many of the comments I received complimented certain aspects of the video, however the only conclusions I could draw from this was that certain parts of the video, such as the locations and alleyway scene appealed to our target audience. Although, amongst these comments were the two comments I have selected below, which really made me reflect back on my music video in a different light.

This is a screenshot of the blog post I placed on Tumblr, I have included this screenshot as part of this evaluation question, because minutes after giving this password to 'pastel-castle-cove', who had found the video from the dubstep news feed, she "liked" it and followed my blog. This taught me the importance of producing music videos, because had this been a real debut of a new artist, by releasing this video on websites such as Tumblr and YouTube, where the mass consumers are the target audience, I would be able to capture the attention of new fans, and add them to Bl4ke's growing fan base at a fast rate.

Although messaged to me anonymously for some reason, with a suspicious kiss mark, I learnt that to some people viewing the video, the ending of our video was confusing. On the one hand, this can have the effect of making the audience members want to watch the video again to see if they can understand it better the second time. This is positive because, it means that the video will be viewed many times, and thus our artist will have more promotion and is more likely to be remembered. The negatives however are that the confusing ending might discourage people from enjoying the video in it's entirety. It will also interfere with them creating interpretations of the video, and thus prevent them from relating to the video to the extent that we hoped they would.

I found the feedback below to be particularly helpful, because it provided me with ideas of what could have made this ending scene less confusing, such as clearer interaction between the characters. This person also goes further to also make suggestions of what could have enhanced the whole ending sequence. The part in which she states " could have been nice to see the effects of the drugs he takes with the girl" made me look at our video in a different light, because it taught me that being a dubstep video, this drug scene would have given us the perfect opportunity to explore extreme and obvious edits and special effects as we discussed in the initial planning stages. For example, if given the chance to redo this ending sequence, I would have used blurring effects when Bl4ke is staring at the girl, to show that he is not in his normal state of mind, and as the narrative of the video is desaturated, I would have perhaps used a bloom effect to make the colours very vivid during this section to show that they are "high". This would also incorporate more elements of Carol Vernalis' theory, as these edits and filters would have drawn more attention to the action and perhaps also made it clearer. A blur on the girl's face when using a point of view effect from Bl4ke's perspective may have also driven home the fact that she means nothing to him, just an instrument of pleasure.

Evaluation: The Making of Question 4

I have started answering Question 4 by asking my Tumblr followers to view my video:

I hope to get a range of feedback this way, that I can analyse and use in this question. The advantage of gaining feedback in this way, is that the video will be seen by a wide range of people all over England and other countries, not just people around my home and college environment, therefore, as these people might have different life experience due to the area they live in, they may have different interpretations and thus different opinions on what I could have done with the music video that would have made it either more improved, or more relateable to people like them.

Gaining feedback from people that don't know you personally, means that the people are more likely to be truthful and voice their true opinions, which means my feedback will be more accurate. The fact that the feedback is also being given over the internet allows the people to speak more freely.

As well as my Tumblr feedback, I hope to make a Final Cut Pro video to show and comment on feedback I have gained from my target audience by using a Flip camera.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Evaluation Question 3

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Evaluation: The Making of Evaluation Question 3

I've started my Question 3 by writing out a list of the technologies that I used for the duration of this project:

It helped to categorise the technologies to make it easier when it came to writing the information up.

The second part of my plan for question 3 is to use Powerpoint, because there is a lot of text based information, therefore I feel the best way to present this would be in a program such as powerpoint.

I have started an example of what I hope my presentation will look like.
 I want each technology to have it's own slide so that I can describe in detail what each was used for. This is because many programs had multiple uses.

 The content of these slides will have a combination of photo examples of the software, photo examples of what it was used for, and text explaining these different uses and functions.

I will then use SlideShare to transport this onto the blog.