Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Production of Ancillary Products: Production of the Digipak so far

So Far, the problems I have encountered with designing my digipak are with the smaller details. For example:

I ran into problems thinking of how to design my wall effect on the back panel. This is because, images from the internet interfere with copyright laws, and I feared that taking pictures of a wall and then trying to manipulate it to look broken might make the image look unreal, as my skills in using photoshop are not as advanced as I had hoped them to be. I originally was aiming for a look such as the picture on the left, and chose the colour pink because I thought this could be desaturated to a paler pink so that it was not too bright, and could match the pink on the bricks of the graffiti. However, after re-evaluating my design, I cropped a section of the graffiti wall from the picture, and used this to create a brick effect, by layering them individually, in the traditional masonry design. Although this took up a lot of time, this allowed me to manipulate the bricks to suit the panel, and create the broken wall, in which I can place the album names.

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