Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Planning for Music Video: Final Song Choice

Our final song choice is: *drum roll*

Skream & Example - Shot myself in the foot again

Firstly, out of our top three songs, there was a unanimous decision to select this song as our final choice. The reasons for this is because we all thought that this we would be ideal for creating a video structured on fast pace base track editing, as it has quite an aggressive Dubstep beat.

The song can be interpreted in many ways and we thought, because the song is quite 'busy' we could use simplistic backgrounds, but a range of camera shots to enhance the images. For example, stop motion blurs could be used to either assist the narrative, or distort the video to accompany the different sounds that make up the Dubstep soundtrack. 

We also thought that this song would allow us to improve and gain new experience with camera techniques, such as focusing on images and blurring the background. We had tutorials on how to focus camera shots in the AS year, however creating an image like the picture below would require us to hone in further on these skills.

 We also had ideas of isolation techniques that would work well this this song choice. By this, we mean either choosing an image and only replicating that one image against a background, or just manipulating that image. Examples of this can be seen in the gifs on the left.

Lastly, when listening to this song, we all came to the conclusion that we could use a lot manipulation with lighting, which goes with the convention of Dubstep songs. Although the image below was made digitally, illusion effects similar to this can be created with lighting, and we feel that this song will allow us to explore this as another effect in our video if we wanted to.

Our ideas for the theme we want to go for in regards to location and setting is reflected in our mood board. 

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