Looking back on
research that I conducted for my AS practical work, I feel that my skills have
developed further, because I have a greater command of websites that are
useful for different aspects of my research. For example, in this case, I know
that ITunes is an accurate source for finding out information about Singles and
I also know how to use a greater range of web technology, such as Gifs,
that I am able to embed onto blogger. Greater knowledge of web technology has
also allowed me to make my blog posts more interesting. Whereas in AS, I would post
many pictures on the blog at a time, I now know how to use websites such as
Photobucket, or Slideshare to gather my information and pictures and present
them in a more interesting way.
As I had the AS year to learn what is required
for coursework, I am now able to be more concise with the information I gain
from my research and evaluate what I need, what is beneficial and what is not
needed. This is important, because it means that it takes me less time to find quality
information, and more time to note down my findings.

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